We planted our seed near the great Northern Sea

sending roots deep below in a land that was free

We took strength from the oak, we stood tall with the pine

we gave birth and met death within nature’ s design

When the Sword cut us down and the Knight took our land

we returned to the soil where we made our last stand

The sands will uncover

and time will reveal

who was meant to prevail

between amber and steel

They built towers and steeples where great pines once stood

as the Barons and and Czars filled our rivers with blood

They cut down the  Oak to build gallows and altars

but as forests retreated the faith never faltered

As the century turned we were caught in the fires;

like a phoenix we rose from the ravaged empires

The sands will uncover

and time will reveal

who was meant to prevail

between amber and steel

We reached to the stars, we blossomed and flowered

until tanks and sad cattle cars wrought their dark power

The Red and the Brown joined their hands in the crime

we went down but survived cruelly frozen in time

We were closed from the world by a barbed iron curtain

but the sun was our hope and of this we were certain

In the forest and seashore we returned to our roots

deep beneath the iron heels of the enemy’s boots

The sands will uncover

and time will reveal

who was meant to prevail

between amber and steel

As the castles and commissars crumble and fall

the iron and the steel turn to rust

The oak and the pine reach to freedom again

and the amber glows gold in the dust

We rise from the seashore we emerge from the mud

from the Gulag to the Gauja we return

we were once,

we are still

we will always prevail

in the struggle of amber and steel