LIPS answers 7 of the world’s least frequently asked questions.
- 1. If Rasputin played baseball, what position would he have played?
LIPS: None. He would have worked in the training room. Prophetic prestidigitation beats a Jacuzzi anytime, especially when you’re trying to hit a curve ball.
- 2. Why was Alexander so great?
LIPS: Drugs.
- 3. Where was Adolph Hitler when Napoleon was marching roughshod all over Europe and where is George Patton now that we need him?
LIPS: Probably all in the same place.
- 4. Who is the Maharajah of Mysore and how is he related to the creation of Mylanta, Myadec and Mydol?
LIPS: You’ve got to be kidding! Haider Ali, late 18th century Mysorian macho-man, ruler of what is now generally unknownn as Karntataka, was a devout Muslim and therefore had no earthly need for vitamīns, headache pills or hangover juice. Allah was a one-man drugstore even back then.
- 5. Why isn’t Switzerland closer to the Atlantic Ocean?
LIPS: France is in the way. (A fact that remains true evento this day.)
- 6. What happened to the Kingdoms of Persia, Prussia and Siam and why isn’tanyone talking about it in the Republic Party?
LIPS: Ever since Richard Nixon, the GOP has been gun-shy about raising the dead.
- 7. Who was the first man to climb Mount Prospect?
LIPS: Eriks Mezmiks, a Latvian saxaphone player who was also the first person to sail around Blue Island, swim the length of Canal Street and broke a world record for continuous scuba diving in Northlake.